Monday 16 April 2012


For this assignment, the students were to create an on-line portfolio using Weebly. This site allows user to post information about themselves. For this activity I wrote general information about me, my personal and work experiences, education, skills and awards, hobbies and interests, references and had to link my blogspot. I enjoyed this activity and thought that it was easy to use.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Flip Cam and iMovie

1) Describe the assignment given

In groups of 3-4, students will be able to be create a commercial of an invention that would promote and enhance learning through Educational Technology. Students will be using the Flip cam and iMovie software in creating the commercial while also familiarizing the knowledge of its utilities.  

2) Describe the challenges of working with the flip cams in creating your commercials. What went well? What were the challenges?

There wasn't any challenges of using both technologies. They were both easy to use and manipulate. I really enjoyed them. The iMovie has so many features and choices to picture from compared to using a movie maker on a PC. 

3) What features did you use to enhance your iMovie and would you have done anything different?

I thought that this program had great features compared to what I have been using on a PC. I think would added more effects into the movie

4) Rate iMovie software 1-10. Why?

I rate iMovie software a 10. I love the features on it. They are more creative and better looking than that of movie maker on a PC.

5) How would you use iMovie and Flip cams in your future classroom? Explain.

I would use these software in student/group projects. Have students collaborate with one another to present information about any topic to the class.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Web Quest - Zunal

Web Quest:

1) Talk about the project concept and/ or how you chose the topic for this project.

Each group will decide upon an educational topic of your choice and develop a Web Quest. There are hundreds of Web Quest projects developed by other teachers and instructional specialists on the internet and you might like to take advantage of this opportunity to explore. This Web Quest should be ALL YOUR OWN WORK-  Web Quest could be on social studies theme or a specific event in history; about an author; weather conditions, or a historic person, such as Amelia Earhart.


2) Why did you choose this topic? What is the learning outcome or purpose of your Web Quest?

My partner and I choose "Estimate Area" because it would be easy to generate a lesson plan. The learning outcome or purpose for this activity was to be familiar with is features. Being able to create a lesson that would discuss a introduction to the topic taught, task of what will be conducted, process of how the activity will be done, resources needed to do the activity, and evaluation that will rate the learning of the topic. 

3) In what way will this Web Quest improve your students learning?

This will help improve student learning as the engage with technology, become familiar with computers, and able to research information online. 

4) What did you think was the most important lesson you learned from this activity?

The most important lesson I have learned from this activity is being able to create a lesson that can be viewed anywhere at anytime by students, parents, colleagues. 

5) What did you like or dislike about the software or web-based online tool you used?

I like that it has steps. All you would have to do is fill in the steps. I think this is a really go tool.

6) What would you do differently next time you do this activity and/or use this tool?

I would not do anything differently next time. Just simply follow the steps.Steps made easy for you to do.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Week Two


Words best described about me by my fellow ED480 peers!


Organizational Flow Chart - Education Technology

This assignment was fun. I got to create a blog that would expose a few work of mine during the semester. I think it is a great way to show what you are learning. It is easy to use. I think this would be great for teachers to use so that they can share with parents what the students are learning, expected to learn, and a great way to communicate with the teachers in school to the parents at home. 

Monday 13 February 2012

Week One

  • Introduction
    • ED480 Educational Technology course
    • Fellow classmates/peers
  • Activity -
    • Computer Skills Survey/Pre-assessment
  • Forum -
    • Favorite form of Technology
    • Net Generation Key points - Chapter 1